Hello World

Welcome to my passion project! I have been wanting to share my travel experiences and moments for a while, but I couldn’t find the time. Well enter the 2020 pandemic and I found the time and space to create my vision. Re-creating these memories and trips allowed me the chance to travel while the entire world was on pause. 

In a world driven by progress, I had forgotten how to be still. However, this time forced me to be still. When I breathed into the stillness I rediscovered my inner guidance, my intuition and listened to that little voice that whispered from my heart knowing exactly what my soul needed. My labour of love ~ Explore with Elisha ~ was created.  

As the rush back to normal begins to return, I hope you have used this time to consider which parts of your life are worth rushing back to and which should be left in the rearview mirror.

Ultimate Weekend Resets in Ontario

Got weekend travel plans? Sometimes all you need is a weekend trip to have a rejuvenating experience. Planning a few long weekend getaways into a year is truly the best way to travel more. I understand that long work days, taking care of yourself, your family, and your house make it challenging to get away from it all. Let’s face it, we all feel ‘vacation-deprived’ at times, so here are some great options to unwind, reconnect and relax.

Seeking Adventure & Hoodoos in Utah

Utah is a hub for lovers of outdoor adventures. Here you will find endless mountain ranges towering over canyons and gorges. With the sun dancing against the red rocks that have eroded into spectacular arches, bridges and hoodoos, Utah will not disappoint. Explore my Utah travel blog posts here.

The Magic of Tuscany

Tuscany is a region to fall in love with where wine flows like water with a endless promise of pasta and gelato. Tuscany is filled with charming towns, magnificent vineyards, cascading cobblestone streets, dreamy villas perched upon hilltops, and medieval castles surrounded by ancient stone walls. With so many picturesque towns, how can you ever choose? Come explore this magical region; the epitome of everything that is beautiful in Italy.

Napa Valley – Fine wines, rolling vineyards & five star dining

Napa Valley is one of the top wine country destinations in the world. Beautiful vineyards rolling over the golden hills of the sunshine state, five star farm-to-table restaurants with wine lists bigger than the menus and family-owned boutique wineries to larger, older, more popular ones. When you decide to pack your bags, I have put together the perfect itinerary for first time visitors. It is truly a utopia, cheers Napa!

The Perfect Portuguese Trifecta – Lisbon, Cascais and Sintra

Portugal is a true gem of Europe. It frankly has all the ingredients for a perfect escape. From history, food, local traditions, beaches, architecture, and magical castles, Portugal is paradise. Come discover the Portuguese charm of cobblestoned streets, endless blue and white tiled buildings, fairytale castles, extraordinary cliffs along the ocean and bakeries overflowing with the most delectable custard tarts.