Couples Travel 101

July, 2020

Top of Camelback Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona – May, 2015

Planning a trip with your significant other and looking for the guide to a successful trip?  Look no further!  Sure, traveling solo makes things easier, your agenda, your timetable and your itinerary, but it’s also nice to share the memories and experiences with someone.  Here are some key things to remember in order to make those memories amazing:

Respect each other’s personal time.  When you’re at home, you aren’t constantly in each other’s space and now you are traveling and together 24/7.  So, build in some alone time while traveling – your relationship will thank you.  Let the alone time naturally fit in instead of forcing it – D enjoys reading the news over a coffee in the morning at a much slower pace than I operate at.  I give him the time and space while I fit in a HIIT workout, which gives me my time and space.  I don’t drink coffee and my vibration in the morning is always a little higher and faster than his so this strikes a good balance.

Communicate, communicate, communicate!  Your partner is not a mind reader and if you have an “expectation” of how the day is supposed to go and what you want to see/do, then communicate.  If not, you may be disappointed if things don’t go according to your plan.  You may need to make some sacrifices with the original plan which will eliminate arguments along the way.  This will also help you be present during your experiences instead of being resentful because your partner didn’t know what you wanted or needed.  And why?  Because you didn’t communicate your needs, desires or wants. 

Respect your partner’s wishes, especially when it comes photos and social media.  Not every couple is on social media, building a brand together or independently and some people don’t want every moment or experience captured for the world to see.  D is not on any social media platforms and I respect that while he also assists and helps me stop and grab the perfect IG shot.  I just say “it’s all for the gram baby” as he rolls his eyes. 

Don’t be afraid to try something new while away on vacation – maybe it is zip lining, a cooking class, yoga, or paddle boarding.  The possibilities are endless. Maybe it will be an added bonding experience for you, maybe you will learn something about each other or maybe you will just have a good laugh while trying.  

Try to keep things normal as not every night can be 5 star restaurants and fine dining.  It will get old, not be as special and might just break the vacation bank.  Why not opt for a night or two like a local?  In France, grab a bottle of French water (aka champagne), some fresh bread from a bakery, and cheese and have a picnic in the park.  Sometimes simple is good while avoiding tourist traps and saving some money for that new experience you opted for instead.  

Be flexible.  I like to plan and have an agenda for the day, but sometimes plans need to be broken so that you can live in the moment.  If you are in the middle of something, having an epic time and don’t want to go to the next venue or site, then don’t!  Be willing to adapt your schedule and live in the moment, as it may be that particular experience that you will still be talking about years after that trip.  

There is something about traveling that is magical, whether it is the break from the busy routine of work schedules, the stressors of daily life or just being somewhere new, experiencing this magic will tickle all of your senses.  For those who love to travel, fall in love again with your partner while traveling through food, wine, memories, hand holding, sunrises, sunsets, and just because.