Healthy and Travel – Can the Two Co-exist?

May, 2020

Biking along the coast in Cascais, Portugal – December, 2016

I used to use ‘vacation’ as the perfect excuse to skip the gym and eat whatever I wanted.  Of course, I worked hard for months leading up to the trip and then *bam*, I would throw it all away in the blink of an eye.  Invariably, I would return home feeling bloated, heavy, feeling out of shape and totally out of alignment.  The cycle would repeat, can you relate?

So, I made a change – why not feel healthy all the time?  That is when I am my best, optimal self.  Now I am as disciplined while traveling as I am at home by choosing to stay active and eat clean.  My body is a mirror of how I treat it all the time and vacation or travel is not an excuse to go backwards on my progress.  When my mindset shifted, introducing healthy habits while traveling happened naturally with minimal effort, not strain. 

I don’t over complicate it and yes, I still indulge just as I do at home.  Now I just don’t over-indulge as I used to – there’s the difference.  

My 10 key tips:

  1. Block time for a quick workout either in the hotel gym or in your Air BnB using a resistance band.  I always have a resistance band with me as it is light and easy to pack and effective for minimal equipment workouts.
  2. Walk, walk and walk some more!  Exploring while walking is a great way to add in additional exercise to your day.
  3. Stay hydrated!  Keep your water intake up – I still aim for 3-4L a day while travelling and I usually have more water between wine or prosecco. 
  4. Book an Air BnB on the top floor without a lift – your legs will thank you.  You can also use it as a cardio exercise and run the stairs a couple of times as part of your workout – improvise! 
  5. Look into renting a bike for the day to tour around.  You will get exercise and be able to cover more territory on a bike!  Win-win!
  6. I travel with my non-negotiable supplements including my powdered greens, protein and adaptogens.  This way I am confident of the quality of at least one meal per day, ensuring I get the extra vitamin and minerals I need while away.  Also, my greens are equivalent to two full servings of vegetables which ensures I stay on track during the day.
  7. Opt to cook some of your meals at your Air BnB, picking up local produce and ingredients from a market.  You control the cooking and help save on the pocketbook.
  8. I opt for similar selections at restaurants as I would back home – vegetables, salad, and lean proteins and healthier carb choices.
  9. Don’t deprive yourself – if you want the churro, cake, gelato or ice cream then enjoy it without the guilt.
  10. Ensure you get 8+ hours of sleep!  There is nothing wrong with going to bed early on vacation, you might be surprised how peaceful the mornings in some locations can be or what the sunrise is like when you are well-rested!